Johnny Montana


Johnny Montana


Montana’s MIC

JM Studios


Join us for a LIVE Movie Screening of the widely acclaimed indie feature film “Johnny Montana”

LIVE with Johnny Montana the icon!

Johnny will give EXCLUSIVE accounts of behind-the-scenes stories, bloopers, and comic relief that happened throughout the making and production of this AWARD-WINNING feature. You will be able to ask him questions at the end!

Shot over 360 days in 60 New York locations, entirely guerrilla style, Johnny Montana captures New York’s vibrant grittiness, un-sanitized.

From subway cars to penthouses…Time Square to Rockefeller Center…New York isn’t just a backdrop, its a character in itself.

Reserve your spot TODAY!!


Montana’s MIC weekly LIVESTREAMING & Podcast!

Who Is Johnny Montana?

Johnny Montana could be me…you…or the person next to you! The idea of Johnny Montana is the raw and uncut essence of the Human Journey as it unfolds within the backdrop of AMERICA. Adventure, Excitement, Passion, and an unbridled spirit of FREEDOM & LIBERTY firmly grounded in TRUTH, INTEGRITY, and VIRTUE. There is inherently a recklessness to the American Spirit – filled with all the emotions of failure, success, betrayal, and the consequences of Wrong and Right decisions.

However, just like AMERICA and the constant striving to be a MORE PERFECT UNION – so is the essence of Johnny Montana! When we get knocked down – we get right back up again! When we make the wrong decision, we are accountable and seek redemption! When we set our mind to accomplishing something – we kick down any barrier that stands in our way, we ignore the NAYSAYERS, and emerge VICTORIOUS!!

Join us on this amazing journey and become part of the story!

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